It really is like playschool but every Monday morning a group of women get together to literally stick and glue. At the moment we are busy making magnificent items to sell at the Christmas Bazaar. It's rather funny because none of us is great at this sort of thing but we are actually coming up with a lot of junk to sell. The photograph is of the girls at my flat a couple of weeks ago making cards. They were quite badly behaved but we got a lot done. It's all about companionship really! What a mess I had to clear after this lot.
Well, I must admit to nearly having a panic attack when I visited a friend's flat for a crafting session recently. Most people have interesting entrances to their apartments and it's not unusual to have difficulty getting in but this was horrible.
I had been told to buzz the buzzer for the flat having entered the first doorway at the entrance to the second doorway. I didn't bargain for the door behind me to close itself and to find myself stuck between the two doorways in a tiny vestibule, in complete darkness. They are so cheap in this country with light bulbs in hallways. My heart was beating rapidly as I told myself not to panic as I groped around in my bag for my mobile. Having found it I fumbled around with the light given off from the mobile, for the buzzer. It was like a 'house of horrors' situation because I couldn't find the buzzer and kept finding all sorts of horrible bits of old wooden panels etc. Eventually, I managed to call one of the women upstairs and they talked me through it and then someone came down to rescue me. It was really horrible and very claustrophobic! I will take a torch next time I go there.
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